Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Top O' the Evening to Ya!

Today was a fun day the kids were busy all day with Arts & Crafts so Tonight in Honor of the Irish The O'Hadlocks had Corned Beef and Cabbage, with Potatoes & Carrots...YUMMM! I also Learned how much Caden Loves Mustard!

Austin went to Lunch Bunch at Work Today and worked really hard on his Arts & Crafts. The Y has alot of Great Programs & oppurtunities for the Boys. He Had a great time and did such a good Job:)

Cadens School had a visitor at School Today! Caden jumped in the car after school & told me all about the leperchan that left green finger Prints all over the classroom & he was extra specially excited that the water in the toilet was even Green! It was so cute to see how Excited he got over the whole experience!

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

1 comment:

dlhadlock said...

that looks like they had a lot of fun. St. Patricks is way more fun when you have kids.