Friday, April 24, 2009

Soccer Mom!

The Boys are loving Soccer! Caden & Austin play at the Y and are having alot of fun. They ask me what they can eat to make them run faster everyday, so I take advantage and they are eating lots of fruits & Veggies and even hard boiled eggs:))) They have 2 games a week, they also are in a Tumbling class pics of that to follow:))


Rye said...

I can't wait!!!!! I know it sounds crazy but from the moment Canyon and Crew were born I have been so excited to watch them play sports.

michael & brittany said...

Yeah It's been tons of fun. They are also in Swimming & Tumbling. Caden starts Jr. Striders(a running team) this August as well, which will be fun. It sure keeps them busy busy! I Can't wait for T BALL YEAH FOR SPORTS!!!!